I was trying to get the list of timer jobs and their frequency in a table format using powershell. I searched technet and after reading through this I figured it out.
I tried Get-SPTimerJob |Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize -property name,schedul
e,description,webapplication > D:\Timerjobs.txt.
Somehow the output text file showed only the name of the timerjobs with the following message
"WARNING: 3 columns do not fit into the display and were removed."
After a subtle thought I used the following command and got the results in a way I wanted.
Get-SPTimerJob |Format-Table -Wrap -property name,schedul
e,description,webapplication > D:\Timerjobs.txt
Another interesting parameter you might want to use is ConvertTo-HTML , which will create a HTML report .
Get-SPTimerJob |ConvertTo-HTML -property name,schedul
e,description,webapplication > D:\Timerjobs.htm
Hope this helps you.
I tried Get-SPTimerJob |Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize -property name,schedul
e,description,webapplication > D:\Timerjobs.txt.
Somehow the output text file showed only the name of the timerjobs with the following message
"WARNING: 3 columns do not fit into the display and were removed."
After a subtle thought I used the following command and got the results in a way I wanted.
e,description,webapplication > D:\Timerjobs.txt
Another interesting parameter you might want to use is ConvertTo-HTML , which will create a HTML report .
Get-SPTimerJob |ConvertTo-HTML -property name,schedul
e,description,webapplication > D:\Timerjobs.htm
Hope this helps you.
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